Family Preservation Services strengthen the families of children at risk of placement by improving family functioning and child safety. Family Preservation Services are community-based and designed to help families cope with significant stressors and remove barriers that interfere with their ability to nurture their children. Counselors are on-call 24/7.

Family Preservation Services aim to help parents create a safe, stable and nurturing home environment, prevent children from being placed outside of the home and reunify children who have been removed, and support families in becoming stable and independent.

Family Preservation Services are available in Erie, Crawford and Mercer Counties.

family preservation services

Family Preservation Services Offer:

  • Family counseling sessions for individuals, couples, entire families, or any combination of family members
  • Parent training on topics such as behavior management, child development, and nutrition
  • Assessment using the Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST)
  • Visitation in reunification cases
  • Assistance in locating adequate housing or improving home conditions necessary for child safety
  • Crisis stabilization
  • 24/7 on-call crisis intervention

Does my family qualify for Family Preservation Services?

Family Preservation Services are available to families with children from birth to 18 years old. Referrals must be made by:

  • Erie County Office of Children and Youth (OCY)
  • Crawford County Child and Youth Services (CYS) at the intake level
  • Mercer County Children and Youth Services (CYS)

To learn more about Family Preservation Services at Family Services of NW PA, check out the video below.


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