Meet Louise McLaughlin

February 13th, 2024

In honor of Black History Month, we sat down with Louise McLaughlin, an Advanced Foster Care Specialist in the Permanency Department at Family Services. Here is what she had to say:

Why did you decide to pursue a career in human services? I always had a passion to help others. I have always worked with parents and children in some capacity. I especially enjoy working with adults who care for children.

What is your perspective as a black social worker? I have noticed a rise in black social workers in our community since I started over 30 years ago. It is a great change. It is good for the African American community to see individuals who look like them working with and supporting people in their communities.

What do you like best about working in Foster Care at FSNWPA? Seeing the children grow, thrive, and feel supported and loved in foster care.  We have some amazing foster parents in our program that go above and beyond in caring for children in their care. It's an honor to be working with such individuals.

Who are your role models? The elders in my family and community. They have witnessed so many disparities growing up and have overcome some major challenges and obstacles in their lives. A lot of doors have been opened for the younger generations because of their struggles and sacrifices.   

What do you like to do outside of work? I enjoy talking to elders and hearing their stories of the past. I love watching documentaries about history, people, and places. I also love to listen to all types of music, line dance, travel and go on cruises to experience different places, cultures, and food around the world.

What are your major achievements? My children and grandchildren, graduating college, and working in the social service field for over 30 years.

What is your favorite quote? "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Maya Angelou

Louise was born in Erie, graduated from East High School, and received a BA in Psychology from Mercyhurst University. She has worked at Family Services for seven years. Prior to joining the Permanency Department, Louise was a caseworker for the Head Start and Even Start program and worked in the Parents as Teachers program.

Click here to watch a video of Louise talking about her experience working with foster families at Family Services.

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