Written by Ed Palattella, Big Brother
Leon keeps me hopping. He has kept me in shape mentally and physically ever since we met through Big Brothers Big Sisters on April 11, 2022. He keeps me hopping as we swim and sled and ride bikes and play soccer and baseball and basketball. He keeps me hopping as he quizzes me on everything from multiplication tables and the planets to the latest trends on YouTube and other aspects of pop culture, including who I would name as my favorite character on "Seinfeld." He keeps me hopping as he asks me questions about artificial intelligence and other existential topics.
Leon and I rarely go a week without spending time together. I value his 9-year-old insights and his sense of humor and kindness, and I aim to help him navigate what is an increasingly complicated world. I have learned so much from Leon – not only about his joys and challenges but also about the joys and challenges of his generation.
Leon gives me hope for the future, just as my own children, both now in their mid-20s, give me hope. I am grateful that Leon and his family have let me into their life. I value our friendship: Leon is there for me as much, I believe, as I am there for him. And I am always glad that Leon keeps me hopping.
January is National Mentoring Month, an annual celebration that recognizes and raises awareness for the power of mentoring, with a national call to action to recruit new mentors. Click here to learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Family Services of NW PA.