Functional Family Therapy is an evidence-based program that helps families with at-risk youth who exhibit delinquent behavior. By treating the whole family, Functional Family Therapy is designed to help the child overcome issues such as risky behaviors, violence, and behavioral and emotional challenges.

Functional Family Therapy aims to reduce dropout and truancy rates, reduce violent and risky behaviors, increase positive family communication, improve conflict management and parent-child relationships, and decrease the likelihood that siblings will engage in negative behaviors.

The Functional Family Therapy program includes short-term therapy that lasts 18-22 weeks. Weekly sessions are held in the home.

Functional Family Therapy is available in Erie County.

functional family therapy

Does my family qualify for Functional Family Therapy?

Functional Family Therapy is available to youth ages 10-18 years old who exhibit delinquent behavior. To qualify, at least one adult caregiver must participate in treatment.

Functional Family Therapy is specifically designed to help youth ages 10-18 years old overcome challenges such as:

  • Aggression
  • Truancy
  • Missed curfews
  • Conflicts with family members
  • Negative relationships with friends
  • Probation and legal issues
  • Risky behaviors

Not sure which In-Home Behavioral Health Program is right for you and your child? Click here to learn more about choosing the right program at Family Services of NW PA.

To learn more about Functional Family Therapy at Family Services of NW PA, check out the video below.

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